The beginning

And suddenly it’s there, the moment when you spontaneously agree… and then you don’t know how to start.
I’m Ben. I’ve been working as a dog trainer since 2013. First small and mobile, but now for 3 years on a beautiful training area with a small dog daycare center.
I’m married and live in a social community with my wife, two children and four dogs. Yes, classic and sometimes a bit stuffy… in a little house with a garden and charcoal grill. OK, I admit, four dogs are not classic or even stuffy. You’ll find out more about the dogs later.
I’ve been running my dog ​​school Ben’s Dogbe in Karben with the associated dog daycare center for 3 years now. My whole passion is training and seminars. Helping people to understand their dogs better is very important to me. Every customer is different, every dog ​​is different, there is no template that can be applied to the training structure. The most common sentence I have heard from trainers and lecturers during my training is “you can’t say that in general. You could proceed like this, or maybe try the following…”
That gripped me from the start. Observing, studying the body language of the dogs and constantly re-evaluating the situation between dog and human and adapting the training accordingly. What works well at the moment can be irrelevant again shortly afterwards. The condition of the dog and also that of its owner must always be taken into account. Whether physical or mental, it doesn’t matter.
In my view, flexibility and individuality are two important elements that I try to adhere to in my training and seminars. In some training groups there are 7 topics that are taught one after the other week after week. However, it can also be the case that, for a current reason (e.g. poison bait in the area or problems with dog owners), I completely change the training on one day and then take the acute needs of my group into account.
Jack&Russell has offered me the opportunity to write a regular blog from the world and perspective of a dog trainer.
Well, let yourself be surprised.
I will comment on various topics and hope you enjoy reading. You are also welcome to send me comments.

The website of can be found here.